There are more than ten types of Mobile Web Browsers out there in this day and age.
What is MOBILE Web Browser?
You may get many different answers if you were to ask "What is a MOBILE Web Browser?".
From what I know, Mobile Web Browsers allows you to browse the internet when you are using your mobile phone.
Why do people use Mobile Web Browsers?
- This is mainly because we are in the 21st Century and people nowadays would want anything to come in handy. By using Mobile Web Browser, people can surf the net no matter what they are doing, for example when they are waiting for transport, eating, even when you're in the toilet!!
What are the requirements of users towards a GOOD Mobile Web Borwser?
- The web browser should be comfortable for the users to surf the Internet.
- Do not give extra work or complicated functions that might cause confusion to the users.
Why must the developers FULFILL the requirements of the users?
- The mobile web is an ever-growing corner of the market that developers cannot afford to ignore/lose.
- In a number of countries, more people use mobile phones to access the Web than desktop computers.
- Through research, an estimated 1 billion of the people are capable of Internet access.
For the future post, we will provide you all more information about Mobile Web Browsers.
Feel free to ask question of you do not understand and give us suggestions for improvement.
If you have any topic about Web Browsers that you would like to know more about. Leave us a comment and we will consider in writing on the topic!!
Thank you for your time!!
Mobile: 流动
Web Browser: 浏览器
Comfortable: 舒适
Complicated: 复杂
Ever Growing: 永远生长
Suggestions: 建议
Ignore: 忽略
Desktop: 台式
Mobile: 流动
Web Browser: 浏览器
Comfortable: 舒适
Complicated: 复杂
Ever Growing: 永远生长
Suggestions: 建议
Ignore: 忽略
Desktop: 台式