Sunday, February 7, 2010

3rd Week Poll Analysis

(LInk to us:

'Which web browser do you think is more prone to virus attack?' Does it sound familiar to you? If you had vote for last week poll, of course it does. Thank you for your participation! The options given for the poll was Internet Explorer, Mac Safari, Opera, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
As the above chart shows are the results of last week's poll. The Internet Explorer has clearly shown that it has taken up three quarter of the chart which is 75%. Why is it so? Why does most of the readers thinks that IE is more prone to virus attack rather the other four (4) options given? A great number of IE users assume that their browser is the most secure on the market, but this is only true if they have extensive technical training and the know-how to apply maximum security measures. IE users have been decreasing time to time during these past years. It was mainly because IE has bad anti-virus and they hardly block pop-ups that irritates the users. Moreover, there is much debate on whether IE is more prone to hackers and spyware than other browsers.

The second browser that readers thinks is more prone to virus attack is Opera (13%) as voted by them. I think most readers think that Opera is also prone to virus attack because Opera had been reported prone to a cross-domain dialog box sending up vulnerability. This issue may allow an attacker to carry out phishing style attacks that may use this vulnerability to send up an interface of a trusted website.

The lesser prone browser that readers had voted was Mozilla Firefox (12%). This is mainly because Firefox is well-known for its security. This browser has an anti-malware tool that warns users when they visit websites that are known to install viruses. This tool also helps to protect anti-phishing. In addition, Firefox has a Master Password feature that prevents unauthorized users to use this feature. Comparison also indicates that Firefox has the right kind of protection for the less tech savvy user, for now.

Both Google Chrome and Mac Safari did not have any votes. Mainly this is because users are somehow still new to both of these browsers. Chrome is a browser that is slowly chasing up after Firefox and users will still need time to explore more about it. While, Safari is the same as Chrome and it gives impression to users that it is complicated compared to other browsers.

In conclusion, most readers do agree that Internet Explorer is more prone to virus attack compared to other browsers.

Thank You. Do drop your comment in the shoutout box if there is anything.


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