Sunday, February 28, 2010

5th week Poll Analysis

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Which category of Firefox add-ons is your favorite?
Photo obtained by:

Which category of Firefox add-ons is your favorite? Add-ons? This was the poll question during Chinese New Year (14th February 2010 - 18 February 2010). The results shown that people nowadays less using Firefox Add-ons. There were only three respondents answer the poll. Photo, Music & Videos, Plugins and Privacy & Security consist 33.3 % respectively in this poll question.

People nowadays love entertainment. They choose Photo, Music & Videos as their favorite add-ons because from there, they can know the latest music and videos. Then, they can know the hottest photo from the image sharing site like Photobucket, Flickr, Imageshack and so on. Besides that, they also can download the Keep Tube to download Youtube videos and some radio station to listen to the music.

Another favorite add-on respondents choose is Plugins. Plugins are important to everyone. Plugins help our browser perform specific functions like viewing special graphic formats or playing multimedia files. Plugins are slightly different from extensions, which modify or add to existing functionality. Example for Facebook' Barn Buddy games. Its need Adobe Flash Player to play. So, plugins is really useful to us.

Another add-on is Privacy & Security. Those who using this add-on are privacy aware Internet user and concern about their security online. While we are installing Firefox, the most important steps we can take towards a safe online experience which is install the privacy &security add-on. Firefox had provided a very flexible framework for open-source programmers and commercial vendors to create their own software add-ons for the browser.

Nobody are choosing Personas as their favorite add-ons. This might because they don't really care how is their browser looks like. And sometimes while updating their Firefox, their browser will be blank so they might need to find back their previous personas photo again. It is so annoying.

Other than that, social & communication get 0% in this poll. Nobody choose it. This might because people is can straight go to the social networking site and do not need to install any software to their browser.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Podcast: The Functions of Web Browser (Malay Version)

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There are approximately 11 FUNCTIONS for most of the Web Browsers.

The functions are the following : -
  • The NAVIGATION Function : it helps navigating recently viewed page by using Back, Forward, Recent Pages, Home, Stop, and Refresh buttons.
  • Using the TABBED BROWSING : allows you to open multiple Web pages in a single browser window by pressing Ctrl + T.
  • Using the ADDRESS LIST : Address list will Appear as you start typing a URL in the Address box.
  • Creating and Using a FAVORITE : a favorite is the Shortcut to a Frequently viewed web page.
  • Using the HISTORY LIST : this lists down the web pages that had been Visited during the past few Days.
  • Creating a Web Page DESKTOP SHORTCUT : can be done by Dragging in the Web Page Icon to the desktop.
  • PRINTING a Web Page : Preview and select particular parts that you want to print it out.
  • SAVING a web page or information : web pages, images can be saved in your computer.
  • E-MAIL-ing a Web Page : send a Page or Link to a page using commands on the Page button on the command bar.
  • ADDING Web Content to the active background : allows you to set your favorite Application as you Active Background.
  • ZOOMING a Web Page : zoom in those Pages that you want to see it in a bigger sizes.
These are the FUNCTIONS of Web Browsers and there are more
we can learn from different types of Web Browsers.

I hope you all can learn something from this post
and ABLE to use web browsers wisely in the FUTURE!!!


Web: Sesawang
Browser: Pelayar
Site: Laman

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Podcast: Mobile Web Browsers

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There are more than ten types of Mobile Web Browsers out there in this day and age.

What is MOBILE Web Browser?
You may get many different answers if you were to ask "What is a MOBILE Web Browser?".

From what I know, Mobile Web Browsers allows you to browse the internet when you are using your mobile phone.

Why do people use Mobile Web Browsers?

  • This is mainly because we are in the 21st Century and people nowadays would want anything to come in handy. By using Mobile Web Browser, people can surf the net no matter what they are doing, for example when they are waiting for transport, eating, even when you're in the toilet!!

What are the requirements of users towards a GOOD Mobile Web Borwser?
  • The web browser should be comfortable for the users to surf the Internet.
  • Do not give extra work or complicated functions that might cause confusion to the users.

Why must the developers FULFILL the requirements of the users?
  • The mobile web is an ever-growing corner of the market that developers cannot afford to ignore/lose.
  • In a number of countries, more people use mobile phones to access the Web than desktop computers.
  • Through research, an estimated 1 billion of the people are capable of Internet access.

For the future post, we will provide you all more information about Mobile Web Browsers.
Feel free to ask question of you do not understand and give us suggestions for improvement.
If you have any topic about Web Browsers that you would like to know more about. Leave us a comment and we will consider in writing on the topic!!

Thank you for your time!!


Mobile: 流动
Web Browser: 浏览器
Comfortable: 舒适
Complicated: 复杂
Ever Growing: 永远生长
Suggestions: 建议
Ignore: 忽略
Desktop: 台式

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Podcast of Introduction of Web Browser in Mandarin version

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In order to access the Internet, one needs special computer software called a Web browser. A web browser is a software application that helps a computer user gain access to all the content that is on the Internet and the hard disk of the computer. It’s that allows a user to display and interact with text, images, videos, music and other information typically located on a Web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network.
Besides that, more than one web browser can also be installed on a single computer. When the browser is used for browsing web pages, the text and images on a Web page can contain hyperlinks to other Web pages at the same or different website which can be opened in a new browser. Multiple tabs and windows of the same browser can also be opened.
(0.35- 1.05)
Web browsers are an old concept in computers. As time passed, browsers with advanced functionality were developed and updated. The primary and secondary features and facilities offered by web browsers include downloads, bookmarks, and password management. They also offer functions like spell checking, search engine toolbar, tabbed browsing, advertisement filtering, HTML access keys and pop-up blocking.
There are many types of web browser nowadays such as:
  • Microsoft's Internet Explorer: Most Internet users are using Internet Explorer because it's easy to use and most Web sites are written with Internet Explorer in mind, which mean that they are compatible.

  • Opera: Opera is another popular browser that's easy to use; however, it can have some compatibility issues with various websites.

  • Mozilla's Firefox: Firefox is rapidly gaining ground right behind Internet Explorer because of its tabbed browsing, superior security features, and fast load.

  • Mac Safari: Specifically for Mac users, Safari is an excellent choice for a Web browser, with fast load and good compatibility with most websites out there.

  • Google Chrome: Chrome is an Web browser designed by Google, Inc. It is one of the newer additions in the competitive web browsing market

Above are the most popular web browser in Internet nowadays. There will be more details on those web browsers soon.


网络浏览器 = Web browser
环球网 = World Wide Web
局域网 = Local area network
超连结 = Hyperlinks
视窗 = Windows
搜索引擎工具栏 = Search engine toolbar
超文本标记语 = HTML
微软互联网浏览 = Microsoft's Internet Explorer
歌剧 = Opera
谋智火狐狸 = Mozilla Firefox
苹果Safari浏览器 = Mac Safari
谷歌浏览器 = Google Chrome

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why Chrome Will Be Your Next Browser

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Do you agree that Chrome will be your next web browser?

I am sure that people do know what is Google Chrome nowadays. And I guess that it is all because of the different exposures that people get these days. Google's web browser is about to make the leap from upstart to leader of the pack. This is the news or current information spread throughout the Internet. If you is not sure about it, read this post and learn more about it.

Chrome's market share numbers are sky-rocketing. Wow! It has blown past Safari and Opera to become the No. 3 most widely used web browser. That's rather impressive and I think it will make its way up even higher than we expected. Maybe it could overtake Firefox or challenge it, if not beat Internet Explorer sometime between the next 5 years.

After passing Safari just barely two months ago, it had now topped to become the 3rd most widely used web browser which is 5% (according to Net Applications). Within one and a half year, Chrome managed to grow faster and in some ways developing more quickly than Firefox ever did which took Firefox most of this decade to achieve its solid No. 2 status. Over the years, most tech-savvy users said that it has amazing features which is true like the add-ons that we can customize on. Its address bar works better than other address bar because when I start to type in a URL, its best guesses are almost always on target. Firefox has always been faster compared to other competitors.

Firefox have the growing support of average consumers and the critical support os early adopters. However, when Chrome was launched in 2008, it was almost laughably under-powered compared to any of the browsers but it was lighting fast. It let you search right inside from the address bar. With Google's effort, Chrome beta was followed in a short time before a full-blown of first version was introduced. Now, less than 2 years, Google is testing Google Chrome 4.0 while Firefox is still beta testing version 3.6!

As Chrome has risen over these years, people who previously supported Firefox said that it seems to be slower now. If using a web browser is weighing down your system, then it is not good. All browsers uses tabbed browsing which means they have to manage all multiple request of users with each featuring full-blown webpages that features from basic HTML to videos. Although, each tab is a separate process but all of them together can bring your system to a halt. Firefox lumps all tasks into one, but the overall process can get a bit slow at times. What's worse is that it becomes unstable and crashes. IE and Chrome does this too but Chrome just seems to handle the whole thing better than others.

Google has been updating their browser very often and recently, it had added bookmark and now it has a growing list of extensions like Firefox. However, as it grows more popular, Chrome will definitely suffer from someone exploiting it weakness. Microsoft and Mozilla may be glancing confidently in their side-view mirrors right now and pleased that Chrome is just at 5% which is far a distance. They may need to pay closer attention that 'Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.'

Thank You.



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Poll Results For Week 4

This is the poll result for week 4.
The question asked was "Why most of the people do not like to use Opera Web Browser?"
The poll results was very clear. From the respondents, I can see from the results that people do know what is Opera Web Browser, but most of them do not prefer to use Opera Web Browser because it is not popular to use for them.
From the results, we can see that there are still a minor percentage that people think that Opera does not work well with some popular websites like Facebook, Twiiter and so on. Therefore, people do not prefer Opera Web Browser, but most of them prefer to go for Mobile Web Browser.
In my next post, I will explain more in details for the Opera Browser. The pros and cons of the Opera Browser. Thank you for reading and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!!
May you have a happy and fun holiday!!!
Good Luck in anything you do!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mozilla Firefox Add-ons - Personas

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There have millions of new users join Mozilla community and enjoying theming their Firefox. Thousands of designers created over 35,000 Personas in Firefox. Personas are easy-to-install, easy-to-use themes that change the look of your Firefox web browser.

Personas for firefox is another extension which added lightweight theming to our browser. Personas have been introduced because:
  • themes nowadays are too hard to find, install and use.
  • graphic designers should be able to style the browser without having to code
  • browsers can be more than just desktop software, they can include online components
  • people just wan their browser to be more fun and personal
Personas are the new fantastic feature for Mozilla Firefox. It can change our browser to suit our current mood, feelings or personal taste without downloading individual skins.
"own photo"

To all readers, check this website below, you can get your own personas now!


Friday, February 12, 2010

The Top 5 Mobile Web Browsers

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Hello Poeple!! It's time for me write about Mobile Web Browsers again!!
Do you still wondering which Mobile Web Browser is comfortable to use and it's not complicated?

Here's five...
1st Place: Opera Mobile
2nd Place: Opera Martini
3rd Place: SkyFire
4th Place: Safari
5th Place: Mozilla Minimo

Let's discuss about Opera Mobile first:
        The Opera Mobile browser is the answer for those who want to browse the Internet on their mobile device without being taken to mobile versions, or just want an alternative to Internet Explorer.

        Opera is a solid browser that matches the features of Internet Explorer, and adds a few new touches like the ability to zoom in and out on a web page, mimicking some of the functionality that can be seen in iPhone.

2nd: Opera Martini
        Opera Mini is a great choice for those whose cell phones are unable to run a true web browser, but it may not be the best replacement for smartphone and PDA users who can run Internet Explorer or Opera Mobile.
        It does have a sleek interface for zooming in and out of web pages, but its overall usability is poor in comparison to the other browsers.

3rd: SkyFire
        It is another rich mobile display that comes with Flash. One can even utilize other displays in the system with widgets like YouTube, zoom-in features, chat windows and so on. This Mobile Web Browser can be downloaded for FREE!!

4th: Safari
        This is one of those mobile browsers that can be downloaded free with iPhones. This is indeed an excellent touch-based browser that can display places like YouTube and stream the videos easily for you.
        One gets to experience the intense zoom-in feature with the great interface. This is a web browser that is going to make you feel great when you are in action. With Safari, you can go several places at a rather fast rate.

5th: Mozilla Minimo
       This is another popular mobile web browser with multiple benefits that you can enjoy. This operates on Windows Mobile and is an acquired through a free operating source. Works like tab browsing, bookmarking, social networking, improvising, and so on. It also can be done in a jiffy through this excellent feature. This mobile browser lets you do a lot of things that keeps you satisfied.

In conclusion, These are the Top 5 Browsers that are recommended to use for your phone. Of course, there are some other good web browsers out there which are, Google Android, Bitstream’s Thunderhawk, Microsoft IE for Mobile, Blazer, S60 Web Browser and so on.

You may try to find out more about other browsers and i will be teling you guys more about Mobile Web Browsers in future posts!!!



Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mozilla Firefox Add-ons - Extensions

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Photo Obtained from:

As far as i know, there are very little people are using Mozilla Firefox Add-ons this function. "Add-ons"? What is that? Is it upgrade my Firefox or another web browser? Add-ons means that you added software into your web browser. You can customize your own Firefox with Add-ons.

Add-ons are the small pieces of software created by people all over the world, that add new features or functionality to your installation of Firefox. Add-ons can augment Firefox with new search engines, foreign-language dictionaries, or change the visual appearance of Firefox . Through this, you can customize your own Firefox with your own styles.

Extensions are Firefox add-ons that provide additional functionality or modify the existing ones in Firefox. There are people all over the world have developed thousands of extensions for Firefox. There are some extensions that allows you to block advertisement, download video from websites, integrate more closely with websites like Facebook or Twitter, and add features you see in others browsers.

How to install Extensions?

Step 1: Click on the Tools menus and select Add-ons. The Add-ons window will appear.

Step 2: Select the Get Add-ons panel.

Step 3: In the Get Add-ons panel, click in the empty Search All Add-ons box. Try to type something about the Add-on you wants. Add-ons that match your search will appear in the list.
"Owner photo"

Step 4: To install an extension, click the Add to Firefox. The Software Installation window will appear.

Step 5: When Install Now button is available , click on it to install the software that you chose.
"Owned photo"

Step 6: After finish download extensions, you will be asked for restart your Firefox to finish the installation. Firefox will restart and your new extensions will be available.
Photo Obtained from:

I will tell you more about Add-ons soon. Hope you all can learn new stuff from this post. Thank you for reading. Remember to vote for the poll.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

3rd Week Poll Analysis

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'Which web browser do you think is more prone to virus attack?' Does it sound familiar to you? If you had vote for last week poll, of course it does. Thank you for your participation! The options given for the poll was Internet Explorer, Mac Safari, Opera, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
As the above chart shows are the results of last week's poll. The Internet Explorer has clearly shown that it has taken up three quarter of the chart which is 75%. Why is it so? Why does most of the readers thinks that IE is more prone to virus attack rather the other four (4) options given? A great number of IE users assume that their browser is the most secure on the market, but this is only true if they have extensive technical training and the know-how to apply maximum security measures. IE users have been decreasing time to time during these past years. It was mainly because IE has bad anti-virus and they hardly block pop-ups that irritates the users. Moreover, there is much debate on whether IE is more prone to hackers and spyware than other browsers.

The second browser that readers thinks is more prone to virus attack is Opera (13%) as voted by them. I think most readers think that Opera is also prone to virus attack because Opera had been reported prone to a cross-domain dialog box sending up vulnerability. This issue may allow an attacker to carry out phishing style attacks that may use this vulnerability to send up an interface of a trusted website.

The lesser prone browser that readers had voted was Mozilla Firefox (12%). This is mainly because Firefox is well-known for its security. This browser has an anti-malware tool that warns users when they visit websites that are known to install viruses. This tool also helps to protect anti-phishing. In addition, Firefox has a Master Password feature that prevents unauthorized users to use this feature. Comparison also indicates that Firefox has the right kind of protection for the less tech savvy user, for now.

Both Google Chrome and Mac Safari did not have any votes. Mainly this is because users are somehow still new to both of these browsers. Chrome is a browser that is slowly chasing up after Firefox and users will still need time to explore more about it. While, Safari is the same as Chrome and it gives impression to users that it is complicated compared to other browsers.

In conclusion, most readers do agree that Internet Explorer is more prone to virus attack compared to other browsers.

Thank You. Do drop your comment in the shoutout box if there is anything.


Friday, February 5, 2010

How to Avoid Downloading Bad Web Browser

This post is posted to share with you on how to avoid bad web browsers. I'm sure everyone loves free stuffs, don't say NO because you are telling a lie right now at this moment! It goes the same to us when we are acknowledged that a software is FREE. Free software is great. Whether it will be a useful application or an exciting game, downloading something you want without paying a single cent is normally a welcome experience. Sadly, freedom always comes with a incalculable price tag.

The increasing number of free downloads that can be harmful to your computer and personal information seems to be growing at quite an alarming rate. Most web surfers are quick at downloading free software without studying exactly what they are getting into and where is it coming from. Even web browsers are not an exception to the rule and you should be very careful when it comes to where are you obtaining them from.

Do you know exactly what is a bad browser? A bad browser can be a lot of things. It is a web browser that contains harmful and unwanted components or add-ons. Many vendors offer their own browser downloads and packaged with their own toolbars or other pieces of software. This is especially with open sources browser like the Mozilla Firefox. Amateur and professional developers are encouraged to create their own add-ons to improve the browser's capability. This can be a great benefit to the industry as third-party who wants to take the power of the browser to a level can never be possible.

Packages such as Mozilla Firefox's Campus Edition is perfectly save and provide a level of convenience by including a useful set of add-ons as part of the download. With this, you can quite sure that you are getting a good product. However, there are many third-party sites offering Firefox downloads. These downloads may contain malware, viruses and other items we would like to avoid. The scariest part is that some of these bad browsers have the ability to slip right through the cracks and could not be detected by your spyware and anti-virus software. Rather than installing something harmful to your computer, why not take some time to do some research before downloading it. The extra time you take may save you from the giant headache you may encounter in the future. Another safe example is Google's Internet Explorer 7 which comes packaged with the company's toolbar as well as other features that fit to its popular search engine.

Most of the time, the add-ons that are offered as part of a package are also available separately. If you feel that the add-ons is really offered by a trusted source than what I had mentioned which is Firefox and IE 7, play it safe. Download browsers from its official site and then, install the add-ons that you wanted separately. With this way, it is a prevention from downloading bad browsers and always be cautious when it comes to free downloading.

Some free browser downloads may turn out to be something else together. Links and file names can be easily masked to look like a browser download when they are actually a form of malware. There is a simple way to avoid from becoming a victim of this type of trickery. Only DOWNLOAD browsers from their official site! Moreover, there is no reason for you to obtain a browser from an unauthorized site.

That's all for now.

Do continue to read our post and keep visiting our blog. Thank you for your time!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mobile Web Browsers

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There are more than ten types of Mobile Web Browsers out there in this day and age.

What is MOBILE Web Browser?
You may get many different answers if you were to ask "What is a MOBILE Web Browser?".

From what I know, Mobile Web Browsers allows you to browse the internet when you are using your mobile phone.

Why do people use Mobile Web Browsers?
  • This is mainly because we are in the 21st Century and people nowadays would want anything to come in handy. By using Mobile Web Browser, people can surf the net no matter what they are doing, for example when they are waiting for transport, eating, even when you're in the toilet!!

What are the requirements of users towards a GOOD Mobile Web Borwser?
  • The web browser should be comfortable for the users to surf the Internet.
  • Do not give extra work or complicated functions that might cause confusion to the users.

Why must the developers FULFILL the requirements of the users?
  • The mobile web is an ever-growing corner of the market that developers cannot afford to ignore/lose.
  • In a number of countries, more people use mobile phones to access the Web than desktop computers.
  • Through research, an estimated 1 billion of the people are capable of Internet access.

For the future post, we will provide you all more information about Mobile Web Browsers.
Feel free to ask question of you do not understand and give us suggestions for improvement.
If you have any topic about Web Browsers that you would like to know more about. Leave us a comment and we will consider in writing on the topic!!