Sunday, January 31, 2010

2nd Week Poll Analysis

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This poll question has been surveyed on 23rd January till 29th January. The question asked was "Which web browser loading speed do you prefer?" And we had provided five answers which are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, and Mac Safari.

In the results, we can see that most of the people still prefer Mozilla Firefox loading speed which consist 52%. Most of the respondents still prefer Mozilla Firefox are because it is popular and it's loading speed is faster than the other web browser.

The second highest was Google Chrome which consist 32%. Google Chrome was launched at 2008. Although Firefox is fast , Google Chrome loads faster and keep your surfing super fast. It lose to Firefox in this survey might because still many people do not know about this new web browser and they haven figure it out.

Next is Internet Explorer which consist 16%. We get some respondents' opinion that Internet Explorer is getting slower and slower lately. It made them wants to change their web browser. Nobody voted for Opera and Mac Safari in this poll because these two web browsers less people to use.

In conclusion, Mozilla Firefox is still leading among others web browser nowadays. Thanks a lot for everyone for answer the question.
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